Week 2: Sowing your seeds 

Now that you have shed more light on your relationship with Life, and how you would like it to be, this week is about listening in. It is about honouring what your desires are, as well as honouring what wants to be brought forward through you. About ways of becoming clear about them, and starting your conscious communication with Life about this.

Your meditation: What wants to be brought into form? Trust that whatever is here for you in the meditation is exactly right.

Your Life Wheel: a powerful way to take stock, create and tell the Universe what it is that you would like to have happen.    


Once you have made your life wheel, you may add your intention to each of the spokes. What would you like to have happen here? And when it’s exactly as you like, it will be like what? Make it as all encompassing, or short & sweet as you like.

And maybe give it a visual form. If you are the vision-board kind of person, take out your magazines, glue and scissors. But there are as many ways to do this as there are people. Just a simple drawing will work too. Just have the visual around, where you can easily see it. This is your anchor for what you would like your life to be like. (And of course, change it, add to it, when it doesn’t seem right anymore.)

If you would like to go all in, you can also start tracking your daily experience for all of your spokes. This may sound nerdy, but it is a great way of being in communication with Life: ‘Yes, more of this please’, or ‘No, let’s not do that again’. Also, it will keep your eye on the ball, and your actions more easily aligned with the whole picture. In facebook, I will share some easy ways to track this week.    

Notes on Alchemy

On getting entangled in ‘purpose’: Purpose is a buzz-word. It presupposes there is one thing you should be doing, almost like a job description. The thing is, you cannot get it wrong. The river of your Dharma, the one that is inviting your unique contribution, runs right through you. It is never far away, especially as you start listening to your heart, even if it is ‘strange’ things asking for your attention. It does however ask for courage. Courage to follow the call. Or to start exploring that call one step at a time. So don’t quite your job on a whim. But if you feel it’s not serving you anymore, do start to explore what is calling you.

On Living with the Question: The way we relate to questions in our world is that we want answers, now. Living with a Question is a powerful practice, where you hold your question as an ‘I wonder what … (I am called to do / where my inspiration will come from)?’ in your attention. Not expecting immediate answers, not getting sucked into drama when the answer isn’t there yet. There is a Native American wisdom asking if you can sit still in the mist, for as long as it takes for clarity to come. Clarity will come. An impulse will come that you will want to act on.  

On honouring emotions if things are not here (yet): Sometimes to be able to plant the seeds, we first need to fully honour what is here now. If you grieve, or struggle, about something missing in your life, consider placing that process on your wheel, to give it space and time to honour the grief, the struggle. It can live besides the yearning, the longing, the desire that is calling you.

Do you dare to dream? How easy is it for you to claim what you would like to have happen? Without holding back to make it safer? Don’t wish for what everyone else wants when that is not what you truly want. Listen to your heart’s whispers. Even if you don’t know how yet, or if it’s even possible. Everything that has been brought into being started with a desire, consciously or not.

Keep clearing

Like the farmer clears the fields from weeds, keep clearing what is not part of your life wheel, what doesn’t serve or support your life wheel. And use the emotions that come up, as a powerful way in. When anger, fear, sadness comes is, invite it in, really feel it, and then do your Ho’Oponopono with it. You will feel how it helps the natural cycle of the emotion, the insights it carries, and letting go of the energy, so it can become used as your life force energy in a different form. An ever continuing dance that does shift in flavour the more we do clear the habitual and come into conscious relationship with it.

A ritual 

Creating your wheel is a ritual. It is not just a mental exercise, as you are aligning your thoughts, feelings, desires with what wants to be born through you. This process itself is co-creation. And you can revisit it as often as you’d like.

And then, bring it into your conversation with Life. Bring it into your prayers. Or your moments of aligning yourself, your daily connection practice, reminding yourself of what is important for you in a way that feels right for you. Use it as an anchor. This way, you can bring your desires, your longings into your daily relationship with Life.

As an example, here is my morning walk prayer. It suits me, and my relationship with Life (which for me is my relationship with the Goddess).

“Goddess, I am here, use me. Show me what to say, what to do, where to go. Help me bring my desires into form, as the divine sparks of inspiration they are. Help me recognise and receive the tools, the people, trust, connection to make [my desires] my reality. I am grateful for all that I have received and all that I will be receiving. Everyday, I offer all that I have to give to those around me, while taking really good care of myself as a vessel for your love. I feel fulfilled with love and connection and I bring this into my day.”

I continue to make it a very practical conversation about what I’d like help with on that day, and three things I will be doing with ease. And often I’ll be adding five things I am grateful for, as well as five things that I have co-created in my life, to enjoy and celebrate. They can be small and big things. It’s great to add some antidotes for the habit of seeing what hasn’t come into being yet 🙂