A profound lesson on hardship

by | Nov 29, 2017

For a long time, my life seemed to be one of loss. Of hardship that turned my life upside down in big ways.

The loss of my first ‘husband’ ~ we were not married but spent 10 years together fully intending for it to never end.

The loss of my health. This was an ongoing uphill struggle, where I sometimes hit a plateau where I thought I finally nailed it. To be continued by new and impactful surprises.

The loss of the relationship that I had moved country for.

The loss of my professional identity as an entrepreneur and business consultant, the loss of my first business due to my health issues. The loss of deep friendships that were attached to that.

The fear of loosing my dream to become a mum. For ten years, feeling so deeply I wanted that, and it not happening, was an incredibly hard journey.

But there was a point when I something really essential changed in me.

When I had a miscarriage at 37, my family and friends were worried I wouldn’t be able to take another loss. But all I could see, was that becoming pregnant was POSSIBLE for me. And that was a great relief that gave me trust.

But then, more physical problems came up, and for a while it was unclear if my uterus would be able to open up to another pregnancy. This was almost too much to bear.

And that is when I felt in every fiber of my being: I want to be in a different relationship with the hardship in my life. I don’t want it to tear me down into little pieces anymore, when the loss seems too much to bear.

I had no idea how to do this.

So I did the only thing that made sense to me. I brought it to the Goddess. I offered it up to that what is greater that all of us. (And for you, that might have a different label, that’s totally okay). My prayer was: “please help me navigate the hardship in a different way”.

And from there on, I have noticed an opening in my heart, that has grown and grown and grown. And it’s not that I don’t experience tough things anymore, but I feel so much more ease & grace around it.

(And yes, our beautiful daughter has come into our lives, and we are beyond grateful for her miracle every day.)

Yesterday, in our coach training, I extended the invitation to all of our coaches to open themselves up to this inquiry. To open to the possibility that the changes that they want to have happen in their lives, can happen with ease and grace.

You see, we all have experience of dealing with difficult things. And we all have a way of navigating these, a default setting, so you like. One that you witnessed your parents use, or one that you’ve grown into. Often it is about being overwhelmed with grief, with fear, with anger. It is often about perpetuating the stories that are linked to the feelings, perpetuating our feelings as well. It can be about going numb. Or losing yourself in overeating, drinking, Netflix or other ways to not feel the feelings. It can be a continuous doubting yourself.. We all have our unique ways..

And we are often not aware of ‘our way’, because we are too consumed by the process of navigating the experience, to consider how we do it.

So now I want to offer this to you too.

And this is not a ‘you should do it differently’, an ‘adding insult to injury’ kind of message.

This is a really potent opportunity, to open up to more ease and grace in navigating life. To not ‘have the answers’ about it, but to live in the question. With a tender heart and a curiosity.

Knowing that it is possible.

And when you find out about this, when you can hold this view too, you can extend it to your clients. You don’t have to tell them about it. But when it’s part of your system, this knowing, this strong belief, you will transfer it to them too when you are working. With ease. And grace 🙂

Imagine what a gift that is…


  1. Rebecca

    Hardships – with ease and grace….? Seems A paradoxical thought but i m very very curious to learn more

    • annemiek19@gmail.com

      Yes, it is paradoxical ~ and I just love the paradoxes that are at the heart of life!

      A big part of it for me, has been to learn to trust life. To not fight the thing that was happening for me, be it illness, break-ups or the loss of my livelihood. To learn to surrender to what was going on and to find out that all of it has made life better. In the end. Don’t get me wrong, I went down kicking, screaming, and fighting all the way for most of it. It is so deeply scary to let go, and to be in the liminal – the in-between phase of not knowing what might come next. But I’ve learned to stay much more present to my fears, to not cling as much to my old stories while I am transitioning into something else. To become much more conscious of how staying present invites me to become a co-creator of what happens next. To be a little more fluid every time instead of trying to live in the rigid boxes my mind can dream up.

      I think the learning is different for everybody, and there is a universal core here. If I would have told you about my path two years ago, it would have been a ‘right, so this is what you have to do’ kind of approach and energy. Now, I deeply know this is about allowing, not about doing. This is what I mean with ‘living in the question’. To not have to have the answers yet, but to ask the question with curiosity and trust that the answer will come to you.

      And I would love to hear Rebecca, about your personal experience with navigating hardship. How would it be to live in that question?

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Love that you are here! It’s a pleasure to share what I’ve learned in 25 yrs of coaching and teaching coaches since 2006. At the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, the team and me have reached 1000s of coaches, therapists and healers, helping them have phenomenal, embodied results.

On a personal note, I’m a bi-sexual, perimenopausal (read sleep-deprived) self-anointed Priestess who craves the spiritual as much as I do the practical, connecting seeming opposites in true Gemini style – and that is about all I know about astrology.

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