We train coaches to be magical. To be midwives that call in phenomenal, embodied results.
Have you found yourself emerging from a dark night of the soul or two, thinking how interesting it is that our thinking mind continues to try to fix it all?
The real change happens when we surrender to a process that needs all of us – heart, mind, body & soul – to meet with this evolutionary pulse of Life (whatever you call it).
You want coaching skills that bring THAT depth and power when you support people.
We train coaches to be magical. To be midwives that call in phenomenal, embodied results.
Have you found yourself emerging from a dark night of the soul or two, thinking how interesting it is that our thinking mind continues to try to fix it all?
The real change happens when we surrender to a process that needs all of us – heart, mind, body & soul – to meet with this evolutionary pulse of Life (whatever you call it).
So now you want coaching skills that bring that depth and power
to the changes people want to make.
As featured in:

Follow in the footsteps of 1000+ coaches and healers trained by us.
As featured in:

Follow in the footsteps of 1000+ coaches and healers trained by us
“I was efforting to fit myself into a conceptual model of coaching that really didn’t feed my soul. Soul-based Coaching taps into the rich knowing and imaginal realms that hold our own individual answers. I find it more thorough and full-bodied, and I’m able to not get stuck in my head as either coach or client! There is deep satisfaction and joy in doing the work. I feel so eager to see what will emerge each time and so vibrant and grateful and rejuvenated after a session. It’s been a life-transforming gift!”
– Camilla Carter

“I was efforting to fit myself into a conceptual model of coaching that really didn’t feed my soul. Soul-based Coaching taps into the rich knowing and imaginal realms that hold our own individual answers. I find it more thorough and full-bodied, and I’m able to not get stuck in my head as either coach or client! There is deep satisfaction and joy in doing the work. I feel so eager to see what will emerge each time and so vibrant and grateful and rejuvenated after a session. It’s been a life-transforming gift!”
– Camilla Carter

You want coach training …
… that mirrors your strengths and shows your current blind spots,
while you learn to go as deep as needed for lasting and embodied change …
You take the craft seriously.
Maybe you are professionally trained as a coach, therapist, or healer, or maybe you want to become a coach.
You definitely are not interested in rehashing one-size-fits-all generic methodologies that don’t really fit anyone.
You want to go deeper and confidently support the one-of-a-kind change processes that clients go through, while leaning into the universal dynamics that underlie them.
We get that.
1. But it’s not been easy to find a training …
… that offers you the professional depth, the embodiment, the layer of Soul activation & medicine PLUS the practical results.
2. Or maybe your logical mind …
… has been in pinball machine mode, frantically working out why – when it feels so good to be called to soulful work – it feels SO scary to leave the ‘conventional professional’ path.*
3. Or you can’t quite see yourself as a ‘coach’ …
… because you feel uncomfortable with the label and what it often stands for: energetically big men who are full of authority and a touch of disdain (that they don’t want you to spot), who seem to know it all, and have ‘success’ and ‘being rich’ as their prime motivator (aka Tony Robins and the like).
4. Or, as an experienced coach …
… you are not interested to start over and waste a lot of time on things that newbies have to learn (and yes, of course you know that it’s all learning, and it doesn’t come from ego or vanity, just a recognition of the time you have invested in honing your craft.) Where can you find training that honours you and sees you for who you are as a professional?
* A hint: you are at the edge of breaking the conventional paradigm, and your ‘guardians of the threshold’ are actively trying to keep you where your former self thought you were safe. Your current self already knows that is no longer the case, and that there is something vital to lose by ignoring your Soul’s call. Which doesn’t mean you need to burn any bridges, but it is time to take it seriously.
You want coach training …
… that mirrors your strengths and shows your current blind spots,
while you learn to go as deep as needed for lasting and embodied change …
You take the craft seriously.
Maybe you are professionally trained as a coach, therapist, or healer, or maybe you want to become a coach.
You definitely are not interested in rehashing one-size-fits-all generic methodologies.
You want to go deeper and confidently support the one-of-a-kind change processes that clients go through, while leaning into the universal dynamics that underlie them.
We get that.
1. But it’s not been easy to find a training …
… that offers you the professional depth, the embodiment, the layer of Soul activation & medicine PLUS the practical results.
2. Or maybe your logical mind …
… has been in pinball machine mode, frantically working out why – when it feels so good to be called to soulful work – it feels SO scary to leave the ‘conventional professional’ path.*
3. Or you can’t quite see yourself as a ‘coach’ …
… because you feel uncomfortable with the label and what it often stands for: energetically big men who are full of authority and a touch of disdain (that they don’t want you to spot), who seem to know it all, and have ‘success’ and ‘being rich’ as their prime motivator (aka Tony Robins and the like).
4. Or, as an experienced coach …
… you are not interested to start over and waste a lot of time on things that newbies have to learn (and yes, of course you know that it’s all learning, and it doesn’t come from ego or vanity, just a recognition of the time you have invested in honing your craft.) Where can you find training that honours you and sees you for who you are as a professional?
* A hint: you are at the edge of breaking the conventional paradigm, and your ‘guardians of the threshold’ are actively trying to keep you where your former self thought you were safe. Your current self already knows that is no longer the case, and that there is something vital to lose by ignoring your Soul’s call. Which doesn’t mean you need to burn any bridges, but it is time to take it seriously.

Meet Annemiek van Helsdingen, founder of the Academy
“When my burn-out morphed into a debilitating auto-immune disease, I knew nothing could “fix me”- I needed healing on a Soul level.
I was meeting yet another health challenge, and in 2012, it forced me to stop my corporate coaching & training career. But I was determined to find the way that I could listen to my body and still serve.
My health became my greatest helper. It showed me undeniably, that my spiritual nature and my professional world needed to come together. As a Priestess, I had seen the power of energy work, honouring cycles, and ceremony. And I had come to know the deep sense of connection and oneness that sustains me no matter what.
And as a coach and coach trainer, I had gathered tools that are very effective in supporting systemic change – change that comes from within the person or group and included all the levels and parts that needed to be involved.
Once I was ready to ‘come out’, the essence of these two worlds blended into a very powerful coaching methodology. One that thousands of people around the world have benefited from, students, Soul-based Coaches and their clients! And one that gives me great hope for our future together.
I love how it has helped me bring back most of my health and helped me create a life that is so much more aligned with who I am. On a practical level, it also helps me deepen my bond with my husband (especially in moments when he does his inexplicable him-ness while I do my obvious ‘me’) and it gives us extra tools to support our daughter when she meets a growing edge (teenage life, not always a breeze). This work has changed me inside out, and continues to bring me closer to who I am.”

Meet Annemiek van Helsdingen, founder of the Academy
“When my burn-out morphed into a debilitating auto-immune disease, I knew nothing could “fix me”- I needed healing on a Soul level.
I was meeting yet another health challenge, and in 2012, it forced me to stop my corporate coaching & training career. But I was determined to find the way that I could listen to my body and still serve.
My health became my greatest helper. It showed me undeniably, that my spiritual nature and my professional world needed to come together. As a Priestess, I had seen the power of energy work, honouring cycles, and ceremony. And I had come to know the deep sense of connection and oneness that sustains me no matter what.
And as a coach and coach trainer, I had gathered tools that are very effective in supporting systemic change – change that comes from within the person or group and included all the levels and parts that needed to be involved.
Once I was ready to ‘come out’, the essence of these two worlds blended into a very powerful coaching methodology. One that thousands of people around the world have benefited from, students, Soul-based Coaches and their clients! And one that gives me great hope for our future together.
I love how it has helped me bring back most of my health and helped me create a life that is so much more aligned with who I am. On a practical level, it also helps me deepen my bond with my husband (especially in moments when he does his inexplicable him-ness while I do my obvious ‘me’) and it gives us extra tools to support our daughter when she meets a growing edge (teenage life, not always a breeze). This work has changed me inside out, and continues to bring me closer to who I am.”

“Soul-based Coaching helps us access the inner wisdom we possess and activates the health and wholeness we yearn for. As a culture, we look to people in positions of authority to tell us what we need and how to get it instead of accessing and trusting our own inner knowing. We each have our own unique path, gifts and wisdom. No one can make the journey for us. Soul-based coaching helps us step more fully into our own lives and become more confident and free.”
– Selinde Krayenhoff

“Soul-based Coaching helps us access the inner wisdom we possess and activates the health and wholeness we yearn for. As a culture, we look to people in positions of authority to tell us what we need and how to get it instead of accessing and trusting our own inner knowing. We each have our own unique path, gifts and wisdom. No one can make the journey for us. Soul-based coaching helps us step more fully into our own lives and become more confident and free.”
– Selinde Krayenhoff
Become a Certified Soul-based Coach
We teach world-class coaching skills in our programs. So that you can become a spiritual midwife of soul-guided, embodied change, that includes and transcends the effectivity of mind- and body-based approaches.
Because of the nature of the process, the training meets you exactly where YOU are, including your previous experience and YOUR current growing edges.
You get the tools you need to effortlessly marry the deeply meaningful and the very practical for your clients in ways that seamlessly go with the client’s own preferences. No need to preach, teach or even share your spiritual beliefs. Soul is part of the human experience, and in this process, it will show itself in exactly the right way to support the change.
Now you may be wondering..
Can I combine this with the skills that I already have?
When you master this craft, you can weave your previous modalities with your new skills, and bring your unique blend of medicine into the world, with whatever label fits you and the work you want to do – ‘coach’ or not. These skills will pave the way in just about every relationship and work situation.
Do you offer support in building a coaching practice as a Soul-based Coach?
Yes, in Invoke Your Client’s Magic, the Soul-based Coach Certification Program, we help you start growing a soulful business or practice if that is what you want. It can be a brand new business, or you can pivot, come out and make ‘Soul’ part of your calling card!
Are you my kind of people?
If you want to find yourself in the company of people who share your desires and beliefs to make a soul-aligned difference, then yes, we are your kind of people. We value diversity in backgrounds and personalities and we show up as we are. Our community is a safe but brave space to do your own work, and to feel supported when you step out of your comfort zones. We are breaking the coaching paradigm, and by definition that means entering new territory. But effective change happens in relationship, and offering you a circle in which you can flourish on your own terms is part of what we do best.
In our Soul-based Coach Certification program we teach world-class coaching skills. So that you can become a ‘spiritual midwife’ of soul-guided, embodied change, that includes and transcends the effectivity of mind- and body-based approaches.
Because of the nature of the process, the training meets you exactly where YOU are, including your previous experience and YOUR current growing edges.
You get the tools you need to effortlessly marry the deeply meaningful and the very practical for your clients in ways that seamlessly go with the client’s own preferences. No need to preach, teach or even share your spiritual beliefs. Soul is part of the human experience, and in this process, it will show itself in exactly the right way to support the change.
Now you may be wondering..
Can I combine this with the skills that I already have?
When you master this craft, you can weave your previous modalities with your new skills, and bring your unique blend of medicine into the world, with whatever label fits you and the work you want to do – ‘coach’ or not. These skills will pave the way in just about every relationship and work situation.
Do you offer support in building a coaching practice as a Soul-based Coach?
Yes, in Invoke Your Client’s Magic, the Soul-based Coach Certification Program, we help you start growing a soulful business or practice if that is what you want. It can be a brand new business, or you can pivot, come out and make ‘Soul’ part of your calling card!
Are you my kind of people?
If you want to find yourself in the company of people who share your desires and beliefs to make a soul-aligned difference, then yes, we are your kind of people. We value diversity in backgrounds and personalities and we show up as we are. Our community is a safe but brave space to do your own work, and to feel supported when you step out of your comfort zones. We are breaking the coaching paradigm, and by definition that means entering new territory. But effective change happens in relationship, and offering you a circle in which you can flourish on your own terms is part of what we do best.
Your personal check-in
Book your exploration call to ask your questions about Soul-based Coaching and our programs, and find out if this is your next step:
The coach training far exceeded my expectations.
“I wanted coaching skills and started to look at the ICF trainings. And then I found Invoke and I knew this was it. The robustness of the method, the quality of the materials, the personal touch from the trainers, the community, the way it challenges me to let go of my inner perfectionist and step into not knowing. I am so happy, it couldn’t have been more perfect.”
Paloma White

Meet the trainer team
We LOVE supporting you on your journey of deep discovery outside the familiar fields. We THRIVE on the magic that we see happening for our participants and their clients. And we can’t wait to walk alongside you on your path!
Annemiek van Helsdingen (The Netherlands), Lisa Jara (Germany), Wren Bliss (Sweden) and Sigrun Saunderson (Austria) are our trainers, with Sharon Small (USA) and Greta Irving (UK) as part of our assessment team. Together, we bring a wealth of experiences in multiple relevant fields, including Life coaching, Team coaching and Executive coaching, Psychotherapy, Body work, spiritual ceremony, and Women’s circle work.
How it works
Download your eBook Holding Space for Transformation to start exploring the foundations.
Book your exploration call for your questions about this work!
Of course, when you feel in your bones that this just could be what you have been looking for – just book a call, we love to meet you and help you find out!
Of course, when you feel in your bones that this just could be what you have been looking for – just book a call, we love to meet you and help you find out!
In a year’s time, you can …
GET PAID FOR COACHING SESSIONS by people who want your help.
BE CONFIDENT that you can help them get the results they want – while you are rooted in ‘not-knowing how this will happen’, and help your clients to find their own way, guided by their soul-knowing.
FEEL RELIEVED now that you have finally come out as everything you are – professional coach AND soul-inspired – finally bringing together the certificates you already collected in a way that makes sense.
CHECK IN with your training besties from around the globe, and continue to share ups and downs and cheer each other on!
SHOW UP solidly in any work or life situation that involves you and /or other people (did we mention this work is very versatile and applicable across the board?)
ENJOY the changes that have happened in your life as a result of your personal work during the training, because you feel SO MUCH MORE YOU than you ever did before (and yes, even when you had already done quite a bit of personal work!)

… with so much joy!
In a year’s time, you can …
GET PAID FOR COACHING SESSIONS by people that want your help.
BE CONFIDENT that you can help them get the results they want – while you are rooted in ‘not-knowing how this will happen’, and help your clients to find their own way, guided by their soul-knowing.
FEEL RELIEVED now that you have finally come out as everything you are – professional coach AND soul-inspired – finally bringing together the certificates you already collected in a way that makes sense.
CHECK IN with your training besties from around the globe, and continue to share ups and downs and cheer each other on!
SHOW UP solidly in any work or life situation that involves you and /or other people (did we mention this work is very versatile and applicable across the board?)
ENJOY the changes that have happened in your life as a result of your personal work during the training, because you feel SO MUCH MORE YOU than you ever did before (and yes, even when you had already done quite a bit of personal work!)

… with so much joy!
Our Mission
Collectively, we need big shifts to create healthier, and more sustainable relationships with ourselves, each other and our planet. A lot of the solutions that we need on a global level are outside of what we have known so far. But here, at the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, we also know that each and every one of us has access to vast amounts of Soul-based resources. These resources hold strong possibilities for both healing and practical solutions on a personal level and collectively.
Coaches, healers and therapists play a key part in this transition – by supporting clients to make the changes in their lives that their Souls are longing for and include body, mind and Soul. So that step-by-step, we are co-creating our better future.

For the Media
Annemiek van Helsdingen is available as a source for journalists covering the coaching industry, career change into soulful work, online work that is meaningful and doesn’t suck you dry, and the ins and outs of self-development and the self-development industry. She’s also available as a contributor. Below is her official media bio:
ANNEMIEK VAN HELSDINGEN is a long-time coach and educator. She is the Founder and CEO of the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, where she and her global team offer exquisite and magic-like coach education with phenomenal embodied results, reaching 1000s of coaches, therapists and healers. She is also a perimenopausal (read sleep-deprived) self-anointed Priestess who craves the spiritual as much as she does the practical, connecting seeming opposites in true Gemini style (and that is about all she knows about astrology).

Guest Teaching
Annemiek is a guest teacher for Coaching institutes, Energy Healing educational centres and other organisations that are interested in the intersection between professional coaching, spirituality, and the healing arts. She also serves as a consultant and mentor for organisations who want to improve their online curriculum, so that online learning can become even better than physically being in the same room (minus the hugs).
Reach out to her at Annemiek @ academyforsoulbasedcoaching.com to say hello!