The Soul-based Coaching Blog

the why, the what and the how

What Holding Space is (not)

What Holding Space is (not)

Inspired by today's Holding Space+ workshop, I realise that in some parts of our spiritual circles, Holding Space is becoming a bit of a buzz word. Not in Soul-based Coaching. It is a cornerstone of our work. Want to know what it asks you to do - and what it most...

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The One Thing that changes everything

The One Thing that changes everything

In Soul-based Coaching, we work from the knowing that it is not up to us to change, heal or fix anything for our clients. It sounds good ~ especially the way it honours our clients’ sovereignty and autonomy. The way we trust their ableness, their power. The way we...

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Soul, Money and Truth

Soul, Money and Truth

Something really important is brewing, and it is touching everything I do. It goes right to the core of why I am here, and why you are here. Let's start with this: I am really grateful to be alive in these times. We are witnessing so many opportunities for growth. So...

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How perfect do you need to be as a coach?

How perfect do you need to be as a coach?

When you think about maybe becoming a coach one day, do you hold back because coaches.. Should then always know what to do. Should know how to help their clients. Should know what is best for them. Should have their own life cleaned up. They should have: the perfect...

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The Magic of Holding Space, in the words of Jeff Foster

The Magic of Holding Space, in the words of Jeff Foster

HEAVEN IS A LOVING FRIEND To be seen. To be met. To be held in a non-judgmental, warm and alive empathic Field of Understanding. To be heard. To be understood. By another or by yourself. This is Heaven. Heaven is not another 'place', but an alive and present Field of...

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How you call in the sacredness in your work

How you call in the sacredness in your work

I am reminded again today of the sacred layers that we touch in this work. In a soul-based coaching session, we easily go deep. Not deep in analysis (never) or emotion (sometimes), but deep in the energetic layer of where meaning is created. The layer where old stuff...

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Would you like to invite money to flow towards you?

Would you like to invite money to flow towards you?

Dear You, On this Good Friday, it feels almost blasphemous to write to you and talk about money. But there you go. A very common belief gets touched about money being not aligned with God, with the good in the world. Of course, in itself, money is not good or bad. It...

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