
Soul-based Coaching is a powerful professional coaching modality with the depth of Shamanic journeying. Check out our workshops, courses and events below if you want to guide people towards deeply embodied and sustainable results. We also have individual professional development options available for highly experienced coaches.

Sign up for our Soul-based Coaching Love Letters to receive your invitation to join our scheduled and new events.

Starting soon!

Invoke Your Client's Magic ~ Certified Soul-based Coach certification program

Invoke Your Client’s Magic

The 1-year Soul-based Coaching certification program
Starts April 30th

Invoke will give you the coaching skills and confidence you need, to have the impact that your soul is calling for in the world.

Find out more

Activate the Power of Soul-based Change Course

Activate the power of Soul-based Change

8-week Soul-based Coaching foundations course
Starts October 27th

Activate will give you powerful coaching skills to help your clients birth their better futures ~ in co-creation with life itself

Find out more

Workshops and taster events

Six Guidelines or How to Hold Space for Transformation ~taster workshop

Help people access their biggest resources for change: The Six Guidelines ~ How to Hold Space for Transformation. Or subscribe to receive invitations to next workshops.

Soul-based Coaching Circle

Connect, explore & deepen in our monthly Soul-based Coaching Circles. Or subscribe to receive invitations to next circles.

Courses and Certification program

Activate the Power of Soul-based Change Course

 Activate the power of Soul-based Change, your 8-week Soul-based Coaching foundations course, regular version taught in English (next cohort starts October 27th) and also taught in German. Subscribe to receive invitations to next cohorts.

Invoke Your Client's Magic ~ Certified Soul-based Coach certification program

Invoke Your Client’s Magic, the Soul-based Coach certification program that offers complete new paradigm aligned professional coach training. Next cohort starts April 30th 2025. Subscribe to receive invitations to next cohorts.

Individual professional development

If you are an experienced coach or therapist, want to deepen your ability to hold your client’s change process, and become aware of the patterns that have slipped into your work, our founder Annemiek van Helsdingen has a limited amount of spots for individual supervision and coaching, aimed at improving your coaching skills.

Annemiek has 25 years of experience as a life coach and executive coach, and has been training coaches since 2007.

To inquire about possibilities, send an email to Annemiek [at] or book an exploration session to determine if working with Annemiek is a good fit for you.

Workshops and taster events

Six Guidelines or How to Hold Space for Transformation ~taster workshop

Help people access their biggest resources for change: The Six Guidelines ~ How to Hold Space for Transformation. Or subscribe to receive invitations to next workshops.

Soul-based Coaching Circle

Connect, explore & deepen in our monthly Soul-based Coaching Circles. Or subscribe to receive invitations to next circles.

Courses and Certification program

Activate the Power of Soul-based Change Course

 Activate the power of Soul-based Change, your 8-week Soul-based Coaching foundations course, regular version taught in English (next cohort starts October 27th) and also taught in German. Subscribe to receive invitations to next cohorts.

Invoke Your Client's Magic ~ Certified Soul-based Coach certification program

Invoke Your Client’s Magic, the Soul-based Coach certification program that offers complete new paradigm aligned professional coach training. Next cohort starts April 30th 2025. Subscribe to receive invitations to next cohorts.

Individual professional development

If you are an experienced coach or therapist, want to deepen your ability to hold your client’s change process, and become aware of the patterns that have slipped into your work, our founder Annemiek van Helsdingen has a limited amount of spots for individual supervision and coaching, aimed at improving your coaching skills.

Annemiek has 25 years of experience as a life coach and executive coach, and has been training coaches since 2007.

To inquire about possibilities, send an email to Annemiek [at] or book an exploration session to determine if working with Annemiek is a good fit for you.