Coaching habits that backfire: Problem Addiction

Coaching habits that backfire: Problem Addiction

This is the second post in a series where we focus on commonly used coaching questions and habits, that have unintended side effects. They end up not serving the people that you work with, but unfortunately get in the way. And of course we look at what you can do...
How perfect do you need to be as a coach?

How perfect do you need to be as a coach?

When you think about maybe becoming a coach one day, do you hold back because coaches.. Should then always know what to do. Should know how to help their clients. Should know what is best for them. Should have their own life cleaned up. They should have: the perfect...
How do you know it’s time to stop?

How do you know it’s time to stop?

As spring is approaching quickly here (this weekend’s snow melted in a heartbeat after a freaky cold spell), spring cleaning is also approaching. (Not that I am much of a cleaner at home :)) Our systems are starting to get ready to metaphorically open the...