The Soul-based Coaching Blog

the why, the what and the how

Book of Yum: A love affair with rain

Book of Yum: A love affair with rain

This is an excerpt from The Book of Yum, a story by Academy trainer Wren Bliss. Read it and open that field of Yum for yourself...  Rain. The soft kind with the tiny droplets that almost doesn't seem to fall. But are just floating in mid air ready to kiss your face....

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Coaches Rising Soul-based Coaching Podcast

Coaches Rising Soul-based Coaching Podcast

Coaches Rising does great work elevating the coaching profession, and I'm excited to be in this week's podcast episode, featuring Soul-based Coaching. Joel Monk is a knowledgeable and curious host, who invited us into an inspired conversation. It's extra exciting,...

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Soul in a professional context

Soul in a professional context

What do you think? Soul in a professional context, do these fit together for you? I was a wonderer growing up. My parents took me to church and I was baptised at 10 years old 'so I could choose'. (It probably had more to do with the fact that my mum converted to the...

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The Neuroscience of Presence: Why Presence is Key

The Neuroscience of Presence: Why Presence is Key

    Presence is the starting point of every Soul-based Coaching encounter, session and training. It is not just a mental checkpoint for us. It is an actual, embodied practice that has proven itself over the years. And we are happy to see that now,...

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The better world we build towards

The better world we build towards

  Last week, this graphic did the rounds on social media, showing the amount of spoken words by men and women in 'Best Picture' Oscar winning films: Tell me what you think when you see this. Are you surprised? Do you feel angry, frustrated? I have to admit I was...

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Four Deeper Practices to Care for your Female Health

Four Deeper Practices to Care for your Female Health

We celebrate International Women’s Day 2024 with a rich conversation with Lisa Jara, who is a Menstrual & Menopausal Health Specialist, and Soul-based Coach. Because Female Health, everything to do with our cycles and the way they impact us, physically,...

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