Where is your power?

by | Sep 15, 2016

Dear you,

Have you noticed how your mind can kidnap you?

Last week, in a Soul Journey session:

Frustration in her voice. She had just unloaded all the things going on for her in her life. And how they kept getting in her way.

A big sigh. And then the real issue came out:

“I just want to know what I am here for. And I want to understand how I get there.”

I could feel her desperation and her need for answers.

She had said it before.

Of course.

It had been a theme for a long time. Knowing that she was acting small, not living her power and strength, hiding. Choosing a role to serve in the background, feeling frustrated. And not flourishing. Because how could she flourish when she was not using her real strength?

We dove in. And lo and behold – bit by bit, we discovered that actually, she did know. She felt her calling very clearly.

But – it turned out that she was so afraid of the magnitude of it, that it was much safer for her to stay in the land of ‘I don’t know what it is’.

Does that sound strange? It’s called self-delusion – and we are all masters of it.

It’s what any sane person does to function well, with the stuff that seems too big to handle. But sometimes we are ready to heal another layer. To actually look what’s underneath that well-organised rug in our minds.

And for her, it was time.

While we were exploring her calling, something that she feels with all her being – we also saw how beautifully her rational mind kept trying to intervene.

Making her question how this could ever be achieved. Wanting to know the exact steps to take, preferably guaranteeing success. Telling her how bad it would be if she failed. Which would of course trigger fear – another great smoke screen to take the attention of what really matters.

This was very familiar for her. She often experiences a whiff of truth – and then her mind finds a way of activating the fear and off she goes, struggling with the fear and getting distracted.

Luckily, the truth is always there, no matter what we do.

She did great work in our session in admitting to herself what her dream is. In acknowledging it’s real, even if she doesn’t know how to get there yet. Giving herself permission to think about it, to start breathing into it.

She crossed a major tipping point in that session.

Wow, there is so much joy and power in that.

How about you?

Have you noticed how your mind can kidnap you?

Does your fear hold you hostage?

And when it does, do you look for the answers in your rational mind?

I can promise you: it’s not where the answers are. But they are inside you.

Want to find out where?

Soul-based Coaching is a powerful way to find out if walking your Soul Path will help you to start living the Life you Came Here for.

So much love,



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Love that you are here! It’s a pleasure to share what I’ve learned in 25 yrs of coaching and teaching coaches since 2006. At the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, the team and me have reached 1000s of coaches, therapists and healers, helping them have phenomenal, embodied results.

On a personal note, I’m a bi-sexual, perimenopausal (read sleep-deprived) self-anointed Priestess who craves the spiritual as much as I do the practical, connecting seeming opposites in true Gemini style – and that is about all I know about astrology.

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