Do you dream?

by | Feb 28, 2018

Do you dream? The far-out-anything-is-possible kind of dreams? Or the small, make everyday-a-little-better kind of dreams?
It hit me again last week, how easy it is to forget to dream.

I was catching up with a dear friend, having a lovely evening, and she asked me if I was going skiing. She knows I loved to ski years ago. For her, it was a natural question to ask – only – for me, it wasn’t.

You might know, that I struggled hard with autoimmunity over the last three years. A process that took over my life. Not having any energy, being hungry 24/7 and completely depleted. Getting through just one day, took all I had. Even a trip to the nearby supermarket was impossible.

My healing has been very slow, but happening. Part of it is a very strict diet (the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, which saved my life). But practically it means I can only eat food I make myself. Which takes a lot of attention and planning.

So my life shrunk. There were so many restrictions. Not having energy, not having flexibility, needing a lot of quiet time.

I went from ignoring it (which is always a winner),

To fighting it – questioning, criticizing myself, being up in arms with the medical world, and finding my diagnosis,

To grieving the life I lost – including the business I built with heart and soul, and my sense of who I was in the world,

To finally accepting that it was what it was, and surrendering to the up and downs of the healing process.

And now, my health is going quite well. The diet is still needed. But my energy is back, my brain is working and I love my life. I have have engaged with all of it in a way that brought my calling closer and closer. I am living the Life I came for now.

Why am I telling you all this? Back to my friend’s question.
I felt shocked when she asked. ‘She should know I can’t’- is what I was thinking.

But slowly I started to realise.. That is not true anymore, that I can’t go skiing. It would take some organising, I would have to manage my energy, but I could.

So it’s time to refresh my sense of what’s possible.
But this is what hit me hardest: I didn’t even know if I still wanted to ski.

I realised: I had stopped dreaming!
I had been fitting my life in the small space that was left for me. And it was needed for so long, that I forgot about checking if more was possible.

What I wished (to be well, to enjoy life in every way) was so unattainable for so long, that I let it go.

And of course, with that, I was depriving myself of more joy to come into my life.

Is there even a small chance you are doing the same?
Let’s check right now. Answer this:

What would you like to have happen?


Answer it now.

What would you like to have happen?

Take a moment to check in with yourself. Write it down.

And what would it look like in your life if it did happen?

What does it feel like?

Use this reminder here, today.

Start working towards it.

All dreams are built step by step.

And if you feel the frustration of not being there yet, or not knowing how to do it, email me. Tell me what is going on and what your dream is.

I have one more spot available in the Transformation sessions this month. It could be yours. You and me will work with the whole of you and you will start moving, creating and living what it is you dream of. No matter what it is. If you want that – the next thing to do is send me an email saying you do. If you are the first, we start right away. If you are not, we will set you up to start as soon as possible.

And me? I am starting each day with the question: And what else would I like to have happen today?

And already, things are set in motion, new dreams tentatively building. Even more joy bubbling.

Let’s dream and build together.

So much love,



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Love that you are here! It’s a pleasure to share what I’ve learned in 25 yrs of coaching and teaching coaches since 2006. At the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, the team and me have reached 1000s of coaches, therapists and healers, helping them have phenomenal, embodied results.

On a personal note, I’m a bi-sexual, perimenopausal (read sleep-deprived) self-anointed Priestess who craves the spiritual as much as I do the practical, connecting seeming opposites in true Gemini style – and that is about all I know about astrology.

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