What I wish for you in 2023

by | Jan 2, 2023

First of all, I wish you peace.

The peace to be who you are, no matter who you are.

To know that your boundaries will be honoured and protected (country or person). Especially when you are not ‘average people’ because the colour of your skin is other-than, you fly the rainbow flag with me, eat vegan (or the opposite of that on your healing diet), or refuse to fight with people because contempt is the fastest way to disconnection, even though IT-IS-HARD sometimes to bite your tongue and keep being curious.

May you know that your well-being matters.

Then, I wish you the courage to fly high and show yourself for who you are.

But also, the courage to get out of bed on particularly rough days. Or to pick up a new instrument and dare to make hideous noises while having the pleasure of occasionally hitting exactly the right note – and start to hear the music that could be in your future. The courage to speak up for what you believe in. To ignore the naysayers when you do.

To be your bright beautiful self and to occasionally fall down with your arms flapping like most of us who vow not to just play it safe anymore.

I wish for you to live your unlived parts and dreams – and let them blossom in ways that nourish and fulfil you. We usually don’t get to have a third half of our lives. Now that 50 is approaching rapidly, I just see how all the cliches are true. There is always a second chance, but only if we grab one by the ears at one point.

The parts that you fear we won’t love?

The parts that you think are not solid, serious, light, funny, [fill in your favourite] enough? Please spit them out, dance them, sing them, write them, share them, love them up. Yes, you may upset someone’s carefully constructed idea of you, but you will be all the better for it. SO MUCH is waiting in the wings of your full self.

May we please get even more glimpses of your beauty?

And in this season: lots of warmth…

The warmth of a home that feels comfortable despite the never-before fuel prices. The warmth of clothes that hug you in just the right way. Hugs that warm your soul. Little surprise poetry cards in your mailbox that brighten your day. Knowing you are welcome and missed. Hot spicy pumpkin soup (Cuban is my favourite! Add ground cumin, coriander seeds, plantain, and apple juice for a fabulous surprise). Oh, and the joy of the return of the 80s leg warmers – that are now an essential fashion accessory in my world.

Which leads me to Joy –

I wish you buckets and buckets and buckets of joy. Joy for the simple things like finding two matching socks and your nearest and dearest remembering just what chocolate you crave. The smell of fresh ground coffee in the morning.

And the big JOYs of looking someone in the eyes who loves you without question or abandon. Of having exactly the food your body needs and your tastebuds crave, in reassuring quantities.

Of knowing your parents, friends, children, pets, people in your community are okay.

The joy of celebrating that we have another year of possibilities, beauty, magic and love right here…


P.S. And to start the year off strong, join us for the Soul-based Coaching Winter Retreat Your Soul’s power –
here for you, no matter what. 


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Love that you are here! It’s a pleasure to share what I’ve learned in 25 yrs of coaching and teaching coaches since 2006. At the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, the team and me have reached 1000s of coaches, therapists and healers, helping them have phenomenal, embodied results.

On a personal note, I’m a bi-sexual, perimenopausal (read sleep-deprived) self-anointed Priestess who craves the spiritual as much as I do the practical, connecting seeming opposites in true Gemini style – and that is about all I know about astrology.

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