The Soul-based Coaching Blog

the why, the what and the how

Discernment in Coaching

Discernment in Coaching

Discernment is the ability to judge people and situations well.     It's an important topic to pay attention to as a coach. You want your clients to be able to use and develop their discernment. So they can make the choices that work well for them.   So, for starters,...

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The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Seedling

The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Seedling

Are you a coach? Or are you thinking of becoming one? The people that come to us for Soul-based Coach training, come from wildly different backgrounds and experience levels. From people who are literally just getting started, to very experienced coaches and...

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Coaching and Inclusion

Coaching and Inclusion

Inclusion is the act to include. And it holds important medicine in a world filled with separation. In the field of coaching, it means two important things:   1. In your coaching and training programs: Be inclusive of people from all backgrounds and experiences,...

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The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Fix(s)ter

The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Fix(s)ter

In what stage are you,  and what are your next steps?  Do you want to be a Rockstar or are you more of a Midwife? It turns out, that as a coach, people go through different stages. The people that come to us for Soul-based Coach training, come from wildly different...

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The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle –  The Rockstar

The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Rockstar

In what stage are you,  and what are your next steps?  Do you want to be a Rockstar or are you more of a Midwife? It turns out, that as a coach, people go through different stages. The people that come to us for Soul-based Coach training, come from wildly different...

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The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Sage

The 5 Stages of the Coach’s Life Cycle – The Sage

In what stage are you,  and what are your next steps?  Do you want to be a Rockstar or are you more of a Midwife? It turns out, that as a coach, people go through different stages. The people that come to us for Soul-based Coach training, come from wildly different...

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